Putting your foot in it.


Created by Sylvia 14 years ago
One of the things i will always remember about you my friend is how you often put your foot in it by speaking before thinking. You could never quite get your head around all this politically correct stuff. Probably the most memorable blunder you ever made was when you referred to a mixed race person as part baked. I was mortified and wish the ground would open up. You however was confused as to what the fuss was about. There was never any malice to your comments only genuine naivity, and people knew this so you never really got into any deep trouble. I must asdmit though Margaret you gave me some scary moments. You would always speak your mind, say what you had to say, never flower your words..just plain honest speaking.Diplomacy was never a strong point eh. How could we ever criticise you for that? There are times when i know for sure i'm going to miss you telling it as it is. Love and miss you lots. Sylvia xx